About Us

Introducing Calibrasia: Revolutionizing Clean Energy in Pakistan

Imagine a future where Pakistan thrives on renewable energy, powered by the sun. This visionary concept was born in 2013 through the collaboration of two ambitious entrepreneurs: Imran Shaikh, a Master’s Degree holder in Electrical & Renewables, and Arslaan Shaikh, an MBA expert in Sales & Administration. Together, they founded Calibrasia with a mission to pave the way for clean energy adoption in Pakistan.

Calibrasia is not just another energy company; it is a catalyst for change. Our core focus lies in bringing the benefits of clean energy to Pakistan, with strategic partnerships established across the globe. We have forged strong alliances with industry leaders in the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, enabling us to leverage their expertise and resources for the benefit of our nation.

At Calibrasia, we firmly believe that solar energy holds the key to Pakistan’s future. Our unwavering commitment lies in optimizing the output of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems in terms of power, voltage, and current. Through the innovative application of electrical engineering principles, we have mastered various techniques to maximize the efficiency of solar installations.

What sets Calibrasia apart is our relentless pursuit of excellence. Our team of experts, armed with profound knowledge and cutting-edge technology, is dedicated to revolutionizing the clean energy landscape in Pakistan. We go above and beyond to ensure that our PV systems consistently deliver exceptional performance and sustainable power generation.

With Calibrasia as your partner, you can rest assured that you are contributing to a greener and more prosperous Pakistan. By harnessing the power of the sun, we can mitigate the harmful effects of traditional energy sources, reduce carbon emissions, and create a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.

Join us in embracing a future powered by renewable energy. Together, we can shape a brighter tomorrow for Pakistan—one where the sun shines on a nation that thrives on sustainable and clean power. Calibrasia: Illuminating the Path to a Greener Pakistan.